Sharon Fellowship Church, Dubai
“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18)
Sharon fellowship Church Dubai is a fellowship of believers seeking to develop a Holy Spirit filled community and holy people whose lives have been redeemed by God’s grace, transformed by His love, healed of the brokenness of the past, and restored to a diligent and committed relationship with God and His church. Our church strives to cultivate an atmosphere where God’s love is not only experienced, but also shared with others in order to pass on the hope we have been given through the grace of Jesus Christ.
The beginning of Sharon Fellowship Church Dubai was a humble one. This spiritual fellowship was started in 1986 by a small group of expatriate Malayalee brothers who were working in U A E. When the brothers came together to glorify God in a villa near the clock tower in Deira, Dubai, no one thought that it would become a chapter in the history of Pentecostalism in U.A.E. Almighty God who accepts the humble beginnings, immensely blessed this fellowship. At the beginning the congregation which consisted of fifty believers was led by Pastor K. S. Chacko. Subsequently Pastor Joykutty and Pastor Jacob Oommen and Pastor Mathews George rendered praiseworthy services and as the result, the church activities were strengthened and more people added to the church.
The Church, which until 1992 had been an independent group, recognized the necessity of joining with a strong organisation and as a result decided to join with Sharon Fellowship Church. Thus, on 29-3-1993, this fellowship was approved by the Sharon Fellowship Church Council and continues to operate as Sharon Fellowship Church Dubai.
Under the leadership of Pastor Mathews George the church and its activities flourished more and two new churches were started in Sharjah and Satwa. After the period of Pastor Mathews George, Pastor Joy George, Pastor Titus Johnson and Pastor Jose Yohannan ministered in various tenures. Since 2017, Pastor Shibu Mathew has been ministering and providing a strong leadership in the multifaceted ministries of the church.
C.E.M (Youth Wing), Sunday school, Camp Meeting, Area Meetings, Bible Class, Women’s Fellowship and various kinds of philanthropic activities are being held under the headship of the Church. By the grace of God the church has been growing strongly, focusing on the spiritual growth and spiritual happiness of its members and, more importantly the evangelistic mission of God.
This church is a group of God’s children who are firm in their faith, dedicated, holy people, and always stand for the glory of God’s name and await the coming of the Lord. All glory and honour to God that He has been developing this fellowship according to His will to higher levels.
Our Mission
The church is a sign and instrument of the kingdom of God, a people united by faith in the gospel announcement of the crucified and risen King Jesus. The mission of the church is to go into the world in the power of the Spirit and make disciples by proclaiming this gospel, calling people to respond in ongoing repentance and faith, and demonstrating the truth and power of the gospel by living under the lordship of Christ for the glory of God and the good of the world.
The Sharon church is an international Christian church that serves in more than 34 countries worldwide focusing on worship, Christian education, and other congregational activities, as well as providing practical assistance to their communities.We have 10 Bible colleges around the world. It currently has the only Pentecostal accredited seminary (Faith Theological Seminary, Manakkala, Adoor) that offers post-graduate degrees.
Prayer Timing
Our worship services are every Friday mornings at 09:30 AM to 12.30 PM. Our Bible Study groups have been making their way through the Bible.We meet on Thursday of each week at 8.30 PM to 10.00 PM to study God’s word through focused reading and discussion.The youth are an integral part of the Sharon Fellowship Church We have a youth meeting on third firday of every month at 11.15 AM to 12.30 PM
“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it”
(Matthew 16:18)
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